Sho-Me Power and its employees are dedicated to providing safe, reliable, low cost power and communication services to the members we serve which improves the quality of life for their members.
Sho-Me Power will provide to our Members the most reliable, competitively priced power supply and highest level of service of any G&T.
The Missouri Cooperative Structure consists of four levels: Generation, Transmission, Distribution and the ultimate consumer, or member. The Generation Cooperative creates the power, the Transmission Cooperative delivers the power to a distribution substation, and the Distribution Cooperative then provides the power to the member-owner for final use.
The rural residents of Missouri came together in the 1930’s to form local distribution cooperatives. Transmission cooperatives like Sho- Me Power were formed by their distribution cooperative owners in the 1940’s to connect to various power sources. In the 1960’s the transmission cooperatives banded together to create a generation cooperative, Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AECI).
The predecessors of Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative were Sho-Me Power Cooperative, formed in 1941 as an agriculture cooperative, followed by Sho-Me Power Corporation, incorporated in 1947 as a public utility. This corporate entity, fully regulated by the Missouri Public Service Commission (MoPSC), provided wholesale electric service to its nine-member distribution cooperatives as well as retail electric service to many communities until 1984, when the remaining facilities serving retail consumers were sold
to four rural electric cooperatives (REC). In 1992 the Missouri Secretary of State allowed Sho-Me Power to be converted pursuant
to the provisions of the Rural Electric Cooperative Act, Chapter 394, specifically §394.070 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1989, as amended, and since February 27, 1992, the name has been Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative. In September 1993 the MoPSC released Sho-Me Power from its rate regulation, leaving it free to be regulated by its nine REC member-owners.
Sho-Me Power provides service to 130 member delivery points served by 148 distribution and transmission substations through 1,069 miles of 69 kV, 11 miles of 138 kV, and 386 miles of 161 kV electrical transmission line. Additionally, Sho-Me operates and maintains 139 miles of 161 KV transmission line owned by Central Electric Cooperative, headquartered in Jefferson City, Missouri and approximately 200 miles of 345 KV line and three 345/161 KV substations with a combined capacity of 1,440,000 KVA owned by AECI, headquartered in Springfield, Missouri.
The Little Niangua hydro project, built during the 1920’s, continues to provide Sho-Me Power with 3 mW of “river-run” power, but today that accounts for less than 1% of its energy requirements. The balance of Sho-Me’s power needs are provided through an all-requirements contract with AECI that extends through May, 2075.
Sho-Me Power is subject to federal income taxation and is subject to state and local income, property and sales taxes.
Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative
Dedicated to providing safe, reliable, low cost power and communications
to the members we serve which improves the quality of life for their members.